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HBHS Family Portal


District Messages


Community Survey

Dear Parents,

As we transition to new SAU leadership in 2025, the District is in the process of updating our strategic plan. Please click here to a community survey to allow families the opportunity to provide input as we plan for the future of SAU41. The survey will be open until Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Andrew Corey, Superintendent
Gina Bergskaug, Superintendent Elect


Principal's Message

Tim Girzone Named to be Next Principal of Hollis Brookline High School

At HBHS, our overall goal is to encourage, support, and provide opportunities for students to strive to reach their potential. Failure at times can be an important part of the learning process, and maintaining a growth-mindset in your approach to school will allow setbacks to become springboards toward growth. HBHS has long been recognized as one of the best high schools in the State of NH for a variety of reasons including a dedicated staff, rich curriculum, supportive community and outstanding students. While I encourage you to take full advantage of what HBHS has to offer, please remember that YOU are the most important part of the process. Never be afraid to ask questions or ask for help when it comes to schoolwork or non-academic issues as they arise. Our staff is here to support you.

Lastly, perhaps the best indicator of success in high school is involvement in activities outside of the classroom. I wholeheartedly encourage you to get involved in at least one activity available to you outside of the regular school day. Involvement in the HBHS Community is not only a core value; it is something that I have seen proven time and time again to provide irreplaceable learning opportunities for students.

-Tim Girzone

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