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World Language Department

Through a communicative approach, the World Language Department promotes proficiency in languages along with knowledge of cultures and literature and strives to foster an appreciation of differences and similarities among peoples and nations. Many colleges and universities have a world language requirement and prefer that students study the same language for a minimum of three years at the high school level. Students who excel in the target language in eighth grade typically enroll in level two as a freshman and therefore have the potential to continue through the fifth level. Students who have not developed a strong base in the language are strongly urged to enroll in level one. Students and parents should work with their language teachers and school counselors to choose the best placement and to maximize the potential for success in the language studied.

The following chart represents the scope and sequence followed by most students.

World Language Courses

World Languages Department Staff

Alex Basbas

Alexis Lorden

Matthew MacFarline

Erin Robbins

Kristen Roy

Annie Roy-Faucher